Training and further development at MHBK

We facilitate many training and further development opportunities and offer internal and external further education so that our employees can achieve their full potential at every stage of their careers. Müller-Heydenreich Bierbach & Kollegen encourage you in your specialisation by specialist lawyer courses, in preparation for examinations and specific additional qualifications and the achievement of specialist lawyer or doctorate titles. Specifically, we support you by release from work, special holidays, payment of course fees or introducing contacts which could be valuable to you in establishing your profile as expert.
In our law firm, exchange of experience is highly valued. We therefore regularly organise for our lawyers and our other employees, internal events to promote mutual professional exchange. New lawyers receive intensive introduction to their work from a mentor who is always available as contact partner. The internal and external networking between all disciplines is an important element in our success. At MHBK, we operate an open door policy. We gladly support all colleagues if questions arise. In difficult cases, we discuss and work out solutions together.
We promote the passing on of our accumulated experience. In day to day business, we take a broader view. We regularly discuss subjects apart from specific cases, take up ideas and develop them further and discuss the developments in the entire industry.